Hair trends: Dip-dye ombre

As a Circa 1985 stylist and blogger who has been growing out her medium blond hair for almost 1 year without more than a DIY trim- it was about TIME FOR A CHANGE! But what to do? Go bold with cut- like the edgy pixie haircuts sported by Anne Hathaway, Miley Cyrus, and Michelle Williams? I like a pretty low maintenance style so I opted to keep my long locks, especially since I love the boho braid trends as a summer go-to hairstyle (blog posts on that to follow)! And shoulder length hair has always seemed like the purgatory of hair for me- something you are stuck with while growing out your hair (no offense to those who look lovely with a shoulder length style, like Alexa Chung, Heidi Klum, and many others).

That left me with an impulse for COLOR! My hair has always had a “natural” ombre from my sun-bleached summer blond at the bottom and winter medium- blond at the roots. So, I decided to push it further and go for the dip-dye pastel hair color trend. I chose a pretty vibrant purple that will fade into the lovely lilac shade that I want. And I couldn’t be happier! My hair still looks fairly natural but with a subtle, surprising pop of color at the end! And it will be easy to maintain, given a little extra nourishment to the ends. Below is a photo of it straightened as I left the salon. The second photo is the 4th day after color- it shows a little more of the dark blond on top and my natural wavy texture. I think I’ll be sticking with the beach wave style more just because straightening my hair everyday would definitely kill it at this point.


Check out some of the photos that my hairstylist and I used as reference:

7951736811850222UbO0jkoWc photoThe only bad thing is that I already feel like playing with color will be addicting! There may be some blue/ silver in my future, like these perhaps?

Long-gray-hair-trendtumblr_mgqlh2GosX1rfm5n9o1_500 tumblr_mltv92Kqvr1spn6dto1_50022181_392805660809157_1188251790_n

One response to “Hair trends: Dip-dye ombre

  1. Pingback: We say Hot Blue, but they call her Hotyella! | Eva Christine ~Traveltician

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